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Member Benefits

Why should you be a pnodn member?

PNODN is an organization that continuously develops both itself and its members in the pursuit of resilience, equity, and joyful work. We model community through intentional connection, programming, and partnering. Our affordable industry-leading programming fosters ideas and skills sharing, connects OD practitioners to one another and to job opportunities, and assists organizations in cultivating healthy, inclusive teams.

We help folks like you get involved with the community at a deeper level, developing your professional capabilities while sharing your passion with others from around the Pacific Northwest. Membership unlocks access to mentors, on the ground experience, and opportunities to share knowledge by leading our monthly toolkits. PNODN is engaged in building meaningful partnerships that give our members more opportunities to learn and connect both within the field of OD and outside of it.

What are some of the joys of membership?? Cool stuff like:

  • Discounted registration for our regular community events.
  • Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) from the University of Washington at Tacoma.
  • Professional Development Units (PDUs) from the Puget Sound Chapter of the Project Management Institute.
  • Mentorship and mentoring opportunities with a wide range of people entering the field and people with years experience.
  • Your professional profile featured in our Member Directory.
  • Volunteer or join the board of directors. Build deeper relationships with other members while developing a new skill or putting your passion to work for our community.
  • Share your knowledge (present a monthly program, conduct a workshop, host a networking event, submit articles to our newsletter).
  • Use our member's only job coaching guide to aid your OD job search.
  • Special discounts from providers of OD tools and trainings and partner organization events. Members click here to access your discount codes.


Join or renew your membership here. After you pick an option, you will fill in your profile on the next page. When it comes to payment, please note that you do not need to have a PayPal account to pay, simply pay as a guest using whatever credit card you wish.

All memberships are one time annual payments.

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Member Commitments

What is your role as a pnodn member?

PNODN depends on members to bring life to our field. If you have joined PNODN to learn, we ask that you attend as many learning events as you can. If you have something to teach, we invite you to present a workshop once every other year or as your passion emerges. If you joined PNODN for community, please attend networking events.

If OD is a core element of who you are in the world, we invite you to volunteer or join the Board. We need your dedication and creativity!

No matter where you decide to engage with PNODN, know that without you we would not exist. This community is here to build connections that allow us, independently and as a field, to catalyze change in ways that move us towards transformation and liberation.

Please reach out to if you're inspired to find a way to give into this community of practice.

About us

Our mission is to connect, engage,
and develop a thriving community
of Organization Development (OD)
Practitioners and business leaders

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Contact us

"PNODN" is a 501(c)3 non-profit

PO Box 46107, Seattle, WA  98146

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