Dave Snowden
In February, PNODN and CBODN are excited to host Dave Snowden and his session entitled "From Inner/Outer to Entanglement".
In 2004 he created Cognitive Edge, now known as Cynefin, which integrates academic thinking with practice in organizations worldwide and operates on a network model that works with academics, governments, commercial organizations, NGOs, and independent consultants.
Learning Objectives for this Session
1. Learn how to bring complexity into your management and leadership decision making.
2. Be able to understand the basics of Cynefin.
3. Add another tool to your systems thinking toolbelt!
$15 Members when pre-paid & pre-registered
$25 Non members when pre-paid & pre-registered
$10 for students/seniors pre-registered
8:45 - 9:00 pm Join Zoom Meeting
9:00- 10:30 pm Training
Please be aware that our trainings could be recorded or photographed.
"PNODN" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
PO Box 46107, Seattle, WA 98146