PNODN Board & Bill Brendel
Join us on June 13 from 4-6 PM PT for an interactive session where we explore more of what it means to BE PNODN, and investigate what OD means to us - as individuals and as a group!
M.O.S.T., which stands for Mastering Organizational and Societal Transformation, includes a rigorously validated online OD strengths and interests assessment that produces a customized, evidence-based report with meaningful, practical, and economical career development advice. Whether you are an emerging, transitioning, or veteran OD practitioner, the MOST is designed to help accelerate your next phase of OD career growth.
Prior to the webinar, you will take the M.O.S.T Meaningful Career Assessment and immediately receive two invaluable, customized reports. The first report, delivered directly to your inbox, will provide actionable insights into your OD Competency Strengths & Interests, offering a comparative analysis with over 1,000 assessment takers worldwide.
PLEASE SIGN UP AND TAKE THE ASSESSMENT VIA THE LINK ABOVE BY JUNE 7 if you can - so that Bill can prepare information on our PNODN folks for the session.When we meet for this session, we'll learn how OD departments, leadership teams, and consulting firms who take the M.O.S.T. Assessment receive a Team Strengths & Interests Profile, including customized insights around strategically deploying, developing, and retaining members and leaders.
The second report includes a detailed explanation of your unique OD Career Preference; one of the 16 preferences in total. Each preference indicates a different career path. You might be a Renaissance Consultant, Humanity Hawk, or Agile Accelerator for instance. Depending on your preference, each report illustrates unique career paths that align with your preferences, accompanied by a customized blend of resources curated by OD experts, educators, employers, and emerging practitioners.
On the 13th, through the lens of these tailored reports, we’ll engage in thought-provoking conversations, ask profound questions, and gain clarity on your role in shaping the future of OD. During this webinar, Dr. Brendel will also share his journey in developing this cutting-edge diagnostic and dialogic career development system. You’ll also learn how the MOST System has been adopted in OD graduate curricula and professional networks worldwide, has helped countless emerging OD professionals.
About Your Facilitators
PNODN Board of Directors: Come learn more about your board! Faith Addicott, Erin Peterschick, Emily Logan, Rick Gage, Michelle Kinkade, Misha Depp, Vinh Do, Randeep Kaur, and Chris Lewis!
Bill Brendel: In 2021 Bill received the OD Network's “Lisa Kimball Award for Evolving the Field of OD” for opening up Organization Development practices, tools, and learning resources to the public through OpenSourceOD.com, a free web-resource designed to ignite the spirit, reach, and impact of OD.
In 2023 Bill received the OD Review’s “Outstanding Article of the Year Award” for his article “Charting a Meaningful OD Career”, a thorough, evidence-based review of the OD careers that gave birth to the M.O.S.T. Meaningful Career Assessment (Mastering Organizational and Societal Transformation).
Bill's OD practice and research are deeply influenced by Hindu, Buddhist, and Taoist philosophy as well as the work of Alan Watts, Jon Kabat-Zinn, and Otto Scharmer. This is evidenced in his signature theoretical contribution to the field of OD, Conscious Organization Development, which includes any OD approach designed to reorient consciousness in ways that reduce psychological attachments to expertise and ego, improve physiological well-being, and support innovation and inclusion in human systems.
Bill has numerous publications in journals including the OD Review, OD Journal, Journal of Transformative Education, Journal of Management Development, and Advances in Human Resource Development. His recent co-edited book, History and Evolution of Organization Development, represents OD thought leaders from the inception of the field in 1968 through 2022. Bill has served on the OD Network Board of Trustees and as the chair of the OD Education Association.
3:45 - 4:00 pm Join Zoom Meeting
4:00- 6:00 pm Training
Please be aware that our trainings could be recorded or photographed.
Consider joining PNODN - members savings over the course of the year are substantial and we need your voice in the conversation!