OD Toolkit Series - How to Conduct an Effective Job Search
This training will be conducted live via Zoom. The zoom meeting details will be sent out 24hr prior to the training.
Searching for a job can be one of the biggest challenges faced in the world of work. In a reality where crucial quality of life resources depend on full time employment (wage, health insurance coverage) the stress of job searching can be formidable.
Research and the experiences of many people identify 2 main job success contributors: hard work and networking. Join us at PNODN as Amy unpacks what this hard work and networking looks like. She will share actionable items you can take with you as you search for the role and organization that fits not only your skills but your self and needs!
Based in research, the experiences of dozens of professionals she talked with during her search, and her own job search story, you will learn what hard work needs to be done in a job search and all about how to network effectively. As a special bonus, effective actions that will make you shine in your first 90 days at your new job will be discussed!
At the end of this session, participants will:
- Identify 3 powerful job-search websites that enable you to get your resume to thousands of recruiters and cater job alerts to your e-mail
- List 1 thing to do before, during, and after an informational interview
- Identify 3 sections of a quality cover letter
- List 2 ways to serve while gaining valuable experience and connections
About Your Instructor
Amy Casebolt enjoys sharing with others to improve their lives and experiences. After earning her Masters’ Degree in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, she experienced the challenges and rewards of a career pivot job search. She is here to share the best of what she learned through that experience.
Amy is the Learning and Development Partner at the Community Health Plan of Washington, where she manages the Onboarding program. She is passionate about employees not only having a positive experience at work but having the opportunity to upskill and develop.
She currently resides in the Seattle area and enjoys hiking and hanging out with her nephews
$37.50 Members when pre-paid & pre-registered
$60 Non members
2:45 - 3:00 pm Log on to Zoom
3:00 – 6:00 pm Training
Please be aware that our training's could be recorded or photographed.
Online registration closes two days prior to the training. PNODN encourages pre-registration to allow the instructor to prepare for the training. Space is limited, walk ins at the door will only be accepted if there is availability.
$37.50 Members when pre-paid & pre-registered
$60 Non members/Walk in
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