How to use Basic Group Process to do Work Team Development (AKA Survey Feedback)
Chris Crosby
This training will be conducted live via Zoom.
Group process formed the foundations of Organization Development yet so few are trained in it. Worse, some think group meetings do not work therefore only work individually with employees which wastes valuable time and synergy.
Kurt Lewin, who many credit as the founder of modern Organization Development, created Action Research. He stated, “ is easier to change ideology or cultural habits by dealing with groups than with individuals (Lewin, 1944, 1999, p289).” Group dynamics are critical to change because individuals are heavily influenced by their primary social environments: “B = f(P,E)–Behavior is a function of the person AND the environment (Lewin, 1940, 1997, p188).”
The group process you will learn here is derived from Kurt Lewin's Action Research and can be used with any survey. In reality, many workplaces conduct an annual employee survey. Such surveys can increase or decrease morale. Decreases often happen rapidly. What most don't realize is that the survey does not matter. What does matter is the group process used to transform the survey in to action. This training will provide you with a process that ensures maximum positive benefit from any survey.
Most survey companies are led by statistics experts rather than Applied Behavioral Scientists (ABS). Come learn a core ABS process that is simple and repeatable which practitioners can use to turn survey data into action.
Participants will discover how to use surveys in a way that energizes the organization and addressing real work place issues
At the end of the presentation, the participants will:
- Understand the keys to creating an effective group process
- Learn an 11 step process to translate any survey data into action.
- Raise awareness of common traps when using surveys.
- Utilize a 12 question workplace questionnaire.
This training is limited to 20 participants. Sign up now to ensure your spot!
About Your Facilitator
Chris Crosby is the President of the Board at PNODN. He is also a consultant and author of three recent books, Strategic Organizational Alignment, published in 2016, and Strategic Engagement (Vol I and II), published in 2018. He is first and foremost a practitioner with internal and external experience. He is also an adjunct faculty at Gonzaga University teaching ORGL 517 in the change leadership track, and has held an adjunct positions at Saybrook University - Leadership Institute of Seattle and was guest faculty at Martin University in Indianapolis.
Chris is an expert in systems thinking applied to the workplace. He uses his unique understanding of systems thinking and authority in the workplace to create organization alignment, implementation structures, and people processes for various forms of organization change. He also develops leadership programs for various clients. His programs utilize a unique industry adapted Skills Training Group (T-Group) as his primary experiential learning method to train leaders to engage their workforce in such a way that builds ownership, alignment and ultimately better business results.
$25 Members/Students
$40 Non members
2:45 - 3:00 pm Join Zoom Meeting
3:00 – 5:00 pm Training
Please be aware that our training's could be recorded or photographed.
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