Anonymous is Poisonous: Why We Should Replace Traditional 360s with High-Growth Dialogue
Irv will do this session live via zoom meeting.
According to recent employee engagement industry reports, managers have been getting worse at giving regular, constructive feedback…and they weren’t great at it to begin with. This can only mean that the problem has been approached symptomatically versus at its root causes.It’s time we stopped the ‘insanity’ of repeating the same behavior and expecting different results from our historical approaches to feedback. This session will explore four specific reasons why relying on aggregated anonymous feedback processes reinforces the problem and not the solution; and we will introduce a non-anonymous behaviorally-specific process that, in the skilled hands of a skilled practitioner, will lead us to a new frontier of leadership development. A case study example of its transformative power will be shared/discussed.
About Your Presenter
Irv Rubin, PhD is considered one of the founders of modern organizational development. He earned his B.S.E.E. from Tufts University, and his M.S. and Ph.D. from M.I.T. The textbook he co-authored, Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach, was the first experiential text of its kind.
Dr. Rubin’s groundbreaking research culminated in the development of the world’s first and only comprehensive process for measuring EQ. He continues to serve as an adviser to Temenos Inc., the company he founded in 1985. Temenos’ BehavioralOS™ applications are powered by his original research and currently used to develop leaders and teams worldwide.
Join us for networking starting at 6 pm!
$15 Members when pre-paid & pre-registered
$20 Non members when pre-paid & pre-registered
$20 Walk in rate for members
$25 Walk in rate for non members
$10 for students/seniors pre-registered or walk in
We are not able to offer refunds after the Friday prior to the meeting. Substitutions are welcome.
6:00 - 6:30 pm We gather – Arrival, Registration & Opening (Refreshments served)
6:30 – 8:00 pm Topic Presented
8:00 – 8:30 pm We wrap up, evaluation, & closing announcements
Please be aware that our meetings could be recorded or photographed.
Online registration closes the Sunday prior to the meeting. PNODN welcomes and encourages walk ins at the door where the walk in rates will be:
$20 Walk in rate for members
$25 Walk in rate for non members
$10 for students/seniors pre-registered or walk in
Consider joining PNODN - members can save up to $10 per meeting - that's up to a $90 savings for the year.