Please note the change in usual date - this is the FIRST Monday of December
The Future of Leadership – An Interactive Discussion with Bob
Crosby and PNODN President William “Bud” Wurtz
What is the future of leadership? Join PNODN for this special holiday program where we explore this fundamental question.
The first half of the program description will feature a panel discussion betw
een Bob Crosby, one of our region’s most respected OD practitioners, and PNODN president William “Bud” Wurtz. The immediate focus will be on their differing experiences with self-managing teams as defining feature of a continuum of leadership styles.
The second half of the program will be an opportunity for the audience, in small groups and as a whole, to consider the leadership challenges of PNODN as an actual case study. This is an important issue that bears on the future of the profession in our region.
The whole program with be imbued with a festive holiday spirit, so come join us for both a stimulating program and an opportunity to wish season’s greetings to your colleagues as we anticipate the coming of the New Year.
Join us for networking starting at 6 pm!
$15 Members when pre-paid & pre-registered
$20 Non members when pre-paid & pre-registered
$20 Walk in rate for members
$25 Walk in rate for non members
$10 for students pre-registered or walk in
We are not able to offer refunds after September 8th. Substitutions are welcome.
6:00 - 6:30 pm We gather – Arrival, Registration & Opening (Refreshments served)
6:30 – 8:00 pm Topic Presented
8:00 – 8:30 pm We wrap up, evaluation, & closing announcements
Please be aware that our meetings could be recorded or photographed.
Online registration closes the Sunday prior to the meeting. PNODN welcomes and encourages walk ins at the door where the walk in rates will be:
$20 Walk in rate for members
$25 Walk in rate for non members
$10 for students pre-registered or walk in
Consider joining PNODN - members can save up to $10 per meeting - that's up to a $90 savings for the year.