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Hello PNODN Members!

We wanted to acknowledge and thank all of those who participated in our membership survey. As a board, using a data-driven organization development approach, we have reviewed each question and response and took action items to improve our value to you. We wanted to summarize for you what we believe our priorities are, based on your feedback. We heard you tell us that your experience has been mixed. We will get back to you shortly with what actions we are taking or have taken to improve consistency and positive responses to the PNODN experience. Please know your input and feedback is critical to make sure we are aligning to your needs and doing the right things to add value. Please don’t hesitate to offer feedback, suggestions or even let us know what you want us to do more of. Our goal is to increase membership through adding measurable value. We hope you agree that we are making a difference for you to make a difference for others.

1. Focus on Membership Value

a. More/higher caliber meeting Speakers/Events – Special speaker workshops

b. Variety in Opportunity to Engage with PNODN (more networking/dialog groups etc.)

c. Variety in content/programs i.e.

i. For consultants

ii. entry-level OD vs. Longer tenured OD

iii. Case Studies

iv. OD leaders in the field to dialog about their programs with others

d. Price-breaks for PNODN members for the above

e. Partnerships with other professional organizations: LWHRA/Seattle SHRM/ATD/Local OD programs

2. We asked specifically about your interest in Gervase R. Bushe

a. Overwhelmingly loved the Idea

b. Didn’t like the price

c. Based on this, we have invited Gervase to partner with us for his workshop – still working on pricing. Stay tuned, more to follow.

Thank you again for your feedback. If you feel we missed anything, please let us know by reaching out to

"PNODN" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

PO Box 46107, Seattle, WA 98146

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